"As we began to discuss this question, our teacher provided us with some incredible facts that gave us much to consider in how we formed our answer. As we neared the end of the class time, he asked us to consider the following: Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. The major social issue during both of their presidencies was Civil Rights. Both of the presidents were elected by less than 50% of the popular vote. Lincoln’s opponent, Douglas, was born in 1813. Kennedy’s opponent, Nixon, was born in 1913. Both of the presidents lost a child while they were living in the White House. Both of the presidents were shot in the back of the head and both died on a Friday. Both assassins are known by all three of their names: John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald. Both successors to the presidency were Democratic Senators with the last name of Johnson. Andrew Johnson was born in 1808. Lynden Johnson was born in 1908."
yah.. bagi yang bahasa jermannya pas2an.. kurang lebih gini nih rangkumannya (hehe, ada dink, yang make bahasa indo.. tapi udah terlanjur gw paste, males ngapusnya..)
Abraham Lincoln masuk kongres tahun 1846.
John F. Kennedy masuk kongres tahun 1946.
Abraham Lincoln terpilih jadi presiden tahun 1860.
John F. Kennedy terpilih jadi presiden tahun 1960.
Keduanya sangat peduli hak-hak sipil.
Kedua istri mereka kehilangan anak saat di gedung putih.
Kedua presiden ditembak hari Jumat.
Kedua presiden ditembak di kepala.
Sekretaris Lincoln bernama Kennedy .
Sekretaris Kennedy bernama Lincoln .
Keduanya dibunuh oleh orang dari daerah selatan.
Keduanya digantikan oleh orang selatan yg bernama Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, yg menggantikan Lincoln , lahir tahun 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, yg menggantikan Kennedy, lahir tahun 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, yg membunuh Lincoln, lahir thn 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, yg membunuh Kennedy, lahir thn 1939.
Kedua pembunuh terkenal dengan tiga namanya.
Nama keduanya terdiri dari 15 huruf.
Lincoln ditembak di teater bernama ‘Ford.’
Kennedy tertembak di mobil ‘ Lincoln ‘ dibuat oleh ‘Ford.’
Lincoln tertembak di teater dan pembunuhnya bersembunyi di gudang.
Kennedy tertembak dari sebuah gudang dan pembunuhnya bersembunyi di teater.
Booth dan Oswald terbunuh sebelum diadili.
hmm.. menarik.. untuk kesekian kalinya gw terkagum2..
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